Hello and welcome

Welcome on my webpage! I am glad that you have found your way here. Almost everything here revolves around my hobby, the amateur radio, but of course also something about me.
Come and throw a glance in the shack with the transceivers and antennas. All used transceiver are low-power devices, but if you bear in mind some specifics the advantage will outweigh. If you're open to new things, take a look at the webpage fascination of QRP and DXing to see how the use of a QRP station and the hunt for DX connections are compatible.
In radiotechnique I prefer to do telegraphy and homebrewing, for which I want to show you some meters and testers as well as tools and tips. In most cases you can build yourself the power supply and some accessory for the station. Also a little bit of mathematics will not be a hurdle for you.
You will find here also some links to offerer of electronic elements, QRP equipment and kits, antennas and other parts just as addresses of some QRP clubs and other QRP stations. And with software for the computer in your shack the hobby will be reach more fun.
Aside I offer you information about my activities outside the shack, of course with logbooks and Karten. All things, which are not to be assigned directly with amateur radio, can be found under gadgets. If you seach a special item, please use the Search. Additional new or changed webpages are marked in the content.
Have fun when browse through the webpages!
73/72 de Ingo, DK3RED - Don't forget: the fun is the power!